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Thor God of Thunder (2012) #14A
The Wild Hunt has begun! As Malekith the Accursed continues his bloody rampage across the Nine Realms, Thor finds new allies to aid him in the chase: A Dark Elf sorceress! A gun-toting Light Elf! A gargantuan Mountain Giant! A dwarf who loves dynamite! and a particularly surly troll..?!
Iron Man (2012) #6A
The Godkiller: Part 1 of 3 - Tony Stark. In Space. In a bar. With ladies. What could go wrong? Is Tony guilty of a crime he's not even aware of? A shocking start to an all-new, all-different direction for IRON MAN.
Fantastic Four (2014) #10
THE FALL OF REED RICHARDS!!! A savage and strategic attack on REED RICHARDS! Can WYATT WINGFOOT save a self-destructive JOHNNY STORM? SUE RICHARDS goes to Latveria to reclaim her daughter...and she'll take on DR. DOOM if she has to (continuing straight into this month's FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL)!
Toy Story (2012) #2
Geer New Adventures Featuring Woody, Buzz Lightyear And The Rest Of The Gang! 'A Scary Night' - It's Just Another Boring Night In Andy's Room Until Woody Decides To Round Up The Gang To Share Scary Stories Around The Campfire. You'll Never Guess Who Has The Spookiest One!
All New X-Men (2012) #2A
  It's a blast from the past as the original five students of Professor X - Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel and Beast - are plucked from the past and brought to the present. But what they find, the state that their future selves are in and the state of Xavier's dream, is far from the future they dreamed of. And how will the X-Men of the present deal with their past coming crashing forw …
Avengers Assemble (2012) #15AU
The AGE OF ULTRON hits Britain, and Captain Britain hits back with a little help from his friends - including a vacationing Captain Marvel! Fighting a guerilla war in the ruins of London, AGGRO! is a way of life for Avengers UK - but when they might just be the last super heroes left alive, can there still be hope? Or is England dreaming?
Fantastic Four (2014) #1A
The world's greatest comics magazine begins anew with Marvel's First Family, the Fantastic Four! But as the brilliant MR. FANTASTIC, the compassionate INVISIBLE WOMAN, the ever lovin' THING & the hot-headed HUMAN TORCH embark on a strange mission, they aren't met with new beginnings, but an untimely end! As the family of cosmic explorers head towards their darkest hour, who could possibly b …
Hawkeye (2012) #19
Kate gets to the bottom of the greatest mystery in the entire Marvel Universe right this very hot second: just who the H is that guy in the trench coat that seems to live in her cat food aisle? The answer may surprise you. Or maybe not, maybe you're super-good at this kind of thing. Anyway a simple investigation dovetails into Kate's desperate race to stay one step ahead of the woman that's swo …
Thor God of Thunder (2012) #17
THE GRAND FINALE OF THE ACCURSED! Thor's desperate tour of the Nine Realms brings him to Midgard, to Earth, where he makes his final stand against Malekith and the dark forces of the Wild Hunt. But what has become of Thor's newest compatriots, the League of Realms? Who stands revealed as the traitor in their midst? And what bloody victory has Malekith already won?
Avengers Assemble (2012) #4A
The secret of the Zodiac is revealed! What impact will this revelation have on the Avengers...and the world as they know it?!
Indestructible Hulk (2012) #3A
HULK: AGENT OF S.H.I.E.L.D.!!! HULK'S first official mission: take down the ALL-NEW QUINTRONIC MAN!!! More on Banner's secret hold over S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Maria Hill! What and where is...BANNERTOWN, U.S.A?
Hawkeye (2012) #12
The sleeper hit of 2012 is now the can't miss book of 2013 (and probably the overhyped book you're sick of people talking about in 2014!) Reeling from the events of the last issue, even Hawkeye wants to know what his new status quo is. Who's with him? Who's against him? Who's trying to kill him and why? So many dang questions! And just when Clint's rock bottom couldn't arrive fast enough... 'Th …
Savage Wolverine (2013) #16A
In a race against time, Logan must keep the children in his care away from the Enforcer. • As the first of the dust storms to ravage the country bears down on South Dakota, Logan must decide which he can survive: his enemies or the black blizzard.
Daredevil (2014) #6A
ORIGINAL SIN tie-in! The untold story of how Matt Murdock's mother became Sister Maggie. When Matt learns something about his past that's too terrible to accept he seeks out his mother only to find her in more trouble than he could possibly have imagined.
Spider-Gwen (2015) #4B
Learn what really happened the day that Peter Parker died! Gwen comes face to face with Ben and May Parker!
Gambit (2012) #3
Desperately searching for a means to destroy the pilfered artifact that's cursed him, Gambit journeys deep into the jungles of Guatemala with a mysterious ally, in search of a lost temple. But instead of answers, he may just find betrayal!
Avengers Assemble (2012) #13A
Time to pay the piper... or the psychopathic lizard girl. Black Widow and Hawkeye stand in judgment for the sins of their pasts. Spider-Woman caught in the middle. Natasha don't drink that, it's--! ...Uh-oh.
Avengers Annual (2012)
It's Christmas Eve in Avengers Tower. Everybody's got somewhere better to be and Cap's all alone on Tower-sitting duty. Or is he? • Outside all is calm, all is quiet, but inside it's an avalanche of mayhem as an intruder turns the Avengers' own tower against them! • And introducing Zamira! She's Meryl Streep with a vengeance! Or maybe just a hormonal teenager...WITH OUT OF CONTROL SUPER POWERS! …
Daredevil (2014) #3A
The Owl is back! But old enemies aren't nearly as much of a problem for Matt Murdock as his new friend: The Shroud. Kirsten and Matt are sharing a very volatile secret -- who'll be the first to crack?
Thor (2014) #1A
The great hammer MJOLNIR lies on the moon, unable to be lifted by anyone in all the heavens! Even THOR! Something dark has befallen the God of Thunder, leaving him weakened and for the first time in forever... UNWORTHY! But when Frost Giants invade the Earth, the hammer will be lifted and an all-new Thor will arise! A Thor unlike any we've ever seen before! Who is this new GODDESS OF THUNDER? N …
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