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Toy Story (2012) #1
All-new four issue mini series! New adventures featuring Woody, Buzz Lightyear and more of your favorite characters! Andy's new puppy, Buster, loves to play with the toys--but if Woody, Buzz and the gang can't control the playful pooch, all that chewing and shaking will damage them for sure!         
All New X-Men (2012) #1A
 It's a blast from the past as the original five students of Professor X - Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Angel and Beast - are plucked from the past and brought to the present. But what they find, the state that their future selves are in and the state of Xavier's dream, is far from the future they dreamed of. And how will the X-Men of the present deal with their past coming crashing forwa …
Hawkeye (2012) #10A
The most acclaimed new book of the year continues! Who pulled the trigger? Where have you seen him before? Have you seen him before? Maybe. But not like this. It's murder, mayhem, and greasepaint make-up for the money, kids -- and that means playtime is over, Monsieur Hulot.
Thor God of Thunder (2012) #16
The penultimate chapter of THE ACCURSED! • Death comes to in the mountains of Jotunheim… •..and there is a traitor among Thor's newly formed League of Realms! • As Thor prepares to execute one of his own comrades, Malekith stages his final bloody raid... on Earth.
Iron Man (2012) #7
THE GODKILLER ARC CONTINUES THE SHI'ARD - race of aliens related to the Shi'ar - accuse Tony Stark of killing their god. That god was the Phoenix! Can Tony trust the ancient alien machine that has offered to help him?
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #8A
Step over the EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE! MC2 Spider-Girl finds herself and her family under attack from the mysterious forces behind Spider-Verse! Ms. Marvel gets Spider-Man out of a jam.
Captain America (2012) #22A
This is it! The final chapter of the story that begin in Dimension Z! After the Earth shattering events of last issue how can Steve Rogers survive his new situation? Two of his oldest foes move forward their plot! Enter Arnim Zola and The Red Skull! A face from the past hunts Steve. Can even The Avengers keep him safe? Guest-starring the Avengers.
Avengers vs X-Men (2012 Marvel) #4A
All across the globe-in the Savage Land, in Wakanda, in Tabula Rasa and more-Avenger battles X-Man for the fate of the world! Hope has a suicide mission to propose to Wolverine! While in space, the Avengers' away team meets the Phoenix head on!
Avengers (2012) #2
The Garden: Part 2 of 3 - The greatest heroes in comics together on one unbeatable team! Now shipping twice a month, the Avengers 'go large,' expanding their roster and their sphere of influence to a global and even interplanetary level. When Captain America puts out his call - who will answer? Big threats, big ideas, big idealism - these are the Avengers NOW!
All New X-Men (2012) #12A
The All-New X-Men find themselves face-to-face with the UNCANNY AVENGERS! Young Cyclops meets the adult version of the little brother he thought he may never see again.
Savage Wolverine (2013) #15A
A routine rescue of a young girl opens up a web of intrigue for Wolverine. Corrupt cops, a cross-country chase, and a mysterious conspiracy stands against Logan! Richard Isanove (DARK TOWER) continues his most Savage tale of one man against the world!
Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #1.3A
Spider-Man's biggest fan becomes his first super-villain! His name's Clash and he's about to ruin Spider-Man's life. That's not exaggeration!
Captain America (2012) #16A
Captain America, the super soldier patriot of World War II…is away! Left in his place is the daughter of criminal Mastermind Arnim Zola-Jet Black! As beautiful as she is powerful, Jet Black must learn the laws of mortal men in New York City. But when a group of Nazi soldiers known as 'The S Men,' lure Black into evil-will she follow in the footsteps of her nefarious father?
Avengers vs X-Men (2012 Marvel) #9A
Their numbers dwindling, the Avengers stage a daring raid on the X-Men's prison to rescue their captive members-and you won't believe where it is! Alliances begin to change as the nature of the Phoenix becomes apparent! And in the end, it all comes down to Spider-Man!
Avengers Assemble (2012) #12A
sins of Black Widow's past have resurfaced and threaten the safety of not only the Avengers, but also the entire world!! Widow, Spider-Woman and Hawkeye must travel to Siberia to search for a missing girl with ties to an old Soviet assassination. But the truth behind this girl's disappearance may be more than the Avengers are prepared to handle! Acclaimed writer Kelly Sue DeConnick teams with P …
Thor God of Thunder (2012) #13A
Beginning a new arc featuring the bloody return of one of Thor's greatest enemies: Malekith the Accursed! Once the former lord of the Dark Elves is freed from his otherworldly prison, the chase is on across the Nine Realms to capture him and end his vengeful reign of terror!
Original Sin (2014) #1A
WHO SHOT THE WATCHER? The Watcher, the mysterious space-god who's been watching us from the moon for as long as we can remember... is dead. Thus begins the greatest murder mystery in Marvel Comics history. As Nick Fury leads the heroes of the Marvel Universe in an investigation, other forces are marshaling as well and other questions are arising. Why is Black Panther gathering a secret team of  …
Original Sin (2014) #8A
The Final Judgment!
Captain America (2012) #18A
Will Dr. Mindbubble shatter Captain America's already fragile psyche? • The Iron Nail rises. • SHIELD's greatest secrets revealed to the world's most dangerous man.
X-Men #24
Jubilee learns more about her vampire heritage. Featuring Raizo and the Forgiven!
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